Sunday, September 13, 2009

2nd time around

Oy, its been so different. I've been queasy most of the time. When I was pregnant with Amelia, as long as I wasn't hungry, life was good. I just ate ahead of being hungry. (maybe that's why I gained 41 lbs). Well this time around SOOOOOOO different.

I'm queasy so I eat, then I feel ... queasy. Sometimes I say I'm hungry and eat, feel so much better, than about 5 minutes later, what I ate, doesn't agree with me.

I can not wait for the 1st trimester to end. 3 more weeks. Hopefully then it will end. It HAS to end. I can't keep going like this. I know in the grand scheme of things, this isn't bad, but the first pregnancy was so much easier in that regard.

I think Rob is figuring that this is a boy because this is different than the first. Hopefully he isn't getting too excited, you never know.