Monday, October 13, 2008

20 lbs down

I've been goign to Strollerfit for 1 whole year. This is my anniversary for starting. I'm so amazed that I'm still going. I never stick with things this long. But the program is so great. Amelia is really starting to benefit from it. Which is wonder to see.

But, I'm also doing Weight Watchers too. The WW part isn't so bad. For me, its all about learning how to eat. Portion control, better choices. That's why I did this. Well, to loose weight too, but I really wanted to learn how to make better choices.

For Amelia, I make WONDERFUL chocies, but I didn't want her to ask me (4 years down the line), "Mommy, why do I have grapes for a snack and you get a bowl of ice cream?" I just want her to think of me as a healthy person. And between Strollerfit -- learning to be active, and WW -- learning good food choices.

Now if I can keep up the momentum, and get down to my goal weight, things will be GREAT!

Friday, October 3, 2008

I know life goes on but...

I wish I could go back. I love my life right now. I am married to a wonderful guy, my daughter is beautiful and bright and adds so much to our lives, but right now I'm missing my dad more than anything.

I would give anything to go back four years to talk to my dad, to do something to help him, to do something.

It was a Sunday, and I called home and got him. He asked me when I was coming home (I had just moved in with Rob). I said that I was going to come by the next day. He passed away that next morning. He didn't get to walk me down the aisle, he didn't get to meet Amelia. There are so many things that I would love to do again.

I guess the only thing I can do I remember him and tell the stories about him to Amelia. Show her his pictures and convey how much we all love him. Because we will always love him.

I miss you dad. Watch over us and keep us all safe and healthy.