Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Dreaded Plateau

Well, I started WW in August and was losing weight expediantly. Well, I've a hit a wall. Last week I was up 1 lb. I feel like this week is a bust too. I don't know why. I'm still tracking my food/points diligently and still working out. Though I know with my workouts I need to really start pushing myself more/harder.

I have to step it up, Spring is just around the corner (God willing). I'm so sick of this cold. I think part of it is, I want to be able to open my back door and let Amelia run free. Last year she wasn't walking/moving at all,and now you can't keep a good girl down. She is all over the place. I want her to feel the sunshine on her face, and the grass between her toes. Okay, maybe that's a bit clique, but I just need to be outside myself.

Lately, I've been so tired to the point that I put Amelia down for a nap, and nap myself. I haven't done that since she was 8 days old. I think I really am deprived of Vitamin D. I NEED SPRING!!!! How many people have you heard lately saying the same thing. I hope to God that the stupid Groundhog sees his shadow (or is it doesn't see his shadow)?!? I found myself looking out the window as the snow was turning to rain imagining what Spring will feel and smell like.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I can't believe that I"m almost 50 lbs down from my weight from when I started Strollerfit. Part of it is Strollerfit and the wonderful trainers and friends. Plus WeightWatchers.

Weight Watchers is a great program. If you need to lose weight, this is a great program.

What is new with me other than needing new clothes? Amelia is getting big and she is starting to talk. At least she is starting. Better late than never. She is getting big. Rob keeps saying that she will be taller than me. That's okay! As long as she's healthy and happy, she can be anything!