Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Getting ready for vacation

Well, the fact that last week was a complete wash due to my gallbladder surgery, I'm so behind as far as getting ready for our yearly vacation.

We're going to Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and I'm so excited to be going. Its been a rough few weeks. Between Rob being worried about his job and now dealing with my gallbladder issues. I'm just greatful that my g/b issues should be completely resolved.

We still aren't 100% sure as how we are getting to the airport, I still have to pack, (that takes me forever), I have to pack Amelia's stuff. I still have a dr. appointment tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be 100% cleared for activity. I also, like to clean before I go, that way when we get back, the house is clean. I have soooo much to do.

I need to make a list -- or two!!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gallbladder Trama

Wow, what a hectic few days. I've had back/stomach issues for a while, but on Wednesday it started up again. I get sever pains all around my mid section. Usually it would be once in a while, (I did go to an ER years ago, but they told me I had PMS). Well, I had the pains everyday since last Wednesday 3/11. It didn't matter what I ate, each night I was in agonizing pain. I say my general practioner on Friday, and he was reluctant to send me for any testings, saying that there are times that we could do a full work up and never find out what caused the back pains. I said to him, that someone had said to me it sounded like Gallbladder.

Then he's like well, we can send you for an ultrasound. So I was glad about that, but I had to wait until Monday. Monday morning comes, I get up early to have breakfast because I had to fast for 6 hours before my 1:00 pm test. So, all is good, and I go for the test, and they said that either my g/b was diseased or else I was a slow digester of my food.

So I had to go back first thing Tuesday morning, in the meantime, Monday the pain was so bad. It came on so quickly, that I crawled up stairs to get to the heating pad. I told Amelia to follow me, because there was no way I could carry her. I ended up call 911, because it was so bad. I went to the ER, and because I wasn't eminently dying, they sent me home. I went Tuesday morning for the u/s, and they decided that my g/b was bad. I called around and finally found a general surgon who would see me (actually I had seen him before for something else).

He had me goto the ER for a HIDA scan. They determined that my g/b had to come out.

Wednesday I had surgery to have my g/b removed. Of course things didn't just end there. They didn't find any gallstones which is not normal. So, then Thursday, they wanted to send me for an MRI to see if there were other stones that traveled. If I did have stones, I would need another procedure where they would go down my throat and removed the stones.

Well, I didn't eat all day, Thursday, waiting for my MRI and finally at 5:00 they take me, and then the radiologist said because I just had surgery they couldn't do the MRI. That's when the tears and anger started. Its amazing how emotional not eating can make you.

Well, all the drs. determined that I could in fact have the test, but I had already eaten. So, I couldn't have the test then. I had it first thing Friday morning, and there were no stones. And they finally sent me home. I was greeted by Amelia yelling MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all the concern and good thoughts.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

the program works.

So, I've been on WW for 7 months now. Today we went to a party. THe food was good and plentiful. It was a buffet, and oh, how I love buffets. Well, I ate well. I made good choices and didn't feel deprived. The program is working. I feel like I can do this, and keep with this.

I ate more points than I would have normally for what was essentially lunch, but it could have been so much worse. I probably won't have a formal dinner, I still have quite a few points for the rest of the day.

Yea for WW.