Thursday, April 30, 2009

RIP Viriginia

Rob's grandmother died last week. It is sad, because she was such a lovely person, but yet she was 94 years old.

Rob is so sad. It breaks my heart that Amelia will never really truly know her great-grandma G-G. Amelia knew G-G, but wasn't super comfy around her. It was sad to see, but Amelia isn't crazy about ANY old people. I know it bothered Rob that Amelia wasn't more warm and friendly to her.

Today, I have to go over to her apartment to sort through stuff, and see what we want to take of hers. I understand that it needs to be soon, because its costing more in rent, but I feel like we're vulchers. Pawing through her stuff. I think its probably easier when there is a house involved because it takes longer. It gives you time to grieve before you have to tackle the big job of going through stuff.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why, when I'm so close.

As of Friday, I am 3 lbs from my WW goal. That's when the eating began. I'm not over my points, but I'm eating more than I usually do. As of MY scale this morning, I'm up 2 lbs.

Why when I'm so, am I sabotaging myself? I don't get it. I'm trying to get myeslf together. I wonder if the weather is part of it. I mean, its so dingy outside. I just want to stay in and eat.

I just want to get to goal, so badly. I just ordered a copy of my HS records to see what my weight was back then. I'm curious to see how much I weighed back then versus now.