Monday, August 31, 2009

The Next Chapter

Amelia is going to be a big sister.

I found out early August that I'm pregnant. We're very excited to be adding to our brood. Hopefully we'll be blessed with another child just like Amelia. She was such a good baby, but my mom keeps telling me to expect Beelzebub. Maybe that's going to be the baby's nickname. We're hoping for a boy, but we're pretty sure its a girl. (Murphy's Law and all).

Hopefully things will go a little smoother with this pregnancy than the last one. (that's for another post). Though, right now the queasy-ness has far out-surpassed the last pregnancy by a mile. I haven't gotten sick yet, but that's a BIG YET!!!!! Hopefully I can stave that off. There's nothing worst than getting sick. Well, I'm sure I can think of something else, but not right now.