I found out early August that I'm pregnant. We're very excited to be adding to our brood. Hopefully we'll be blessed with another child just like Amelia. She was such a good baby, but my mom keeps telling me to expect Beelzebub. Maybe that's going to be the baby's nickname. We're hoping for a boy, but we're pretty sure its a girl. (Murphy's Law and all).
Hopefully things will go a little smoother with this pregnancy than the last one. (that's for another post). Though, right now the queasy-ness has far out-surpassed the last pregnancy by a mile. I haven't gotten sick yet, but that's a BIG YET!!!!! Hopefully I can stave that off. There's nothing worst than getting sick. Well, I'm sure I can think of something else, but not right now.
YAY! OMG! Congrats. I still can't believe that we're old enough to be doing all of these grown up things, like being parents....wtf? I'm thrilled for you!
I'm not sure why it only says "c" but it's Christina and again, Congrats!
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