Saturday, August 30, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Growing up, there was always a BBQ on Labor Day weekend. It was another excuse to get together and have a party. This year, we're going to goto Rob's mom's on Monday for a visit. But other than that, no big celebration. I'm tired of being the one to host if I want to get together with people. I love getting together with people, but it seems like if I want to do that, then I'm doing all the work. I would love to goto someone else's house for a big party.

In other news, Amelia was walking more and more today. We're so excited. It was so wonderful that Rob was home to share in this. She's taken steps before, but this was full on walking. Did we get it on video? Of course not! We have so very little video taped, I really need to get on that. I always say that when I miss something. But in evitably it will happen again. That's the way life goes.

Well, Happy Labor Day weekend.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Not just a mom

Last night I went out with some great girls. The whole idea was a Mom's Night Out, but what did we end up talking about?????? Of course, the kids. I know its what we have in common, but sometimes I think that's all I have. I know there is more to me than just being a mom, but sometimes its all consuming.

Please don't misunderstand me. I LOVE my daughter and could talk about her day and night (okay maybe not the night part, sleep has become so much more precious), but I just felt like we would talk about a 'non-kid' topic and then suddenly someone would related it to the kids.

I guess that's how it is. It was the same way in H.S. I would go out with the other band members and we would vow to not talk 'band-stuff', but what did we talk about??? You got it, BAND BAND BAND!!

I guess I should just be blessed that I have child to talk about. :-)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Your body

Everyone says that your body changes so much when you're pregnant, but boy were they right.

I don't think that i eat badly, but yet I can't seem to loose weight. I work out 4 days a week, and then? Nope, still don't loose weight. I sometimes think that my body will never change. It scares me to think if I get pregnant again, THEN WHAT???? What else can happen, what else can change, how bad can it possibly get? But in the end, that is a risk that I'm willing to change. When Amelia comes up and hugs me with all her might (even at 15 months), it makes it all worth while.