Sunday, February 15, 2009

12 lbs to go.

I've lost 3.6 lbs this week, making me 12.4 lbs until I reach my first goal. The goal is set by looking at the range of weight based on my height based on BMI standards.

I'm excited to be that close, but scared that I can't pull this through. The last time that I lost this amount of weight, I don't know the exact number because I didn't have a scale at the time. My pants keep falling down, and that is a great thing, but I'm really having a hard time finding clothes that truly fit.

Amelia is getting big, and she is a big driving force behind my weight loss. Being a role model for her and a good example is making this easier. Hopefully all these new habits will stick for good. I know that maintaince won't be easy, but its what I need to do. I needed to do this for my health and my self esteem. :-) I need to do this for my baby (and hopefully future babies).

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