Wednesday, July 15, 2009

When do I get to be selfish?

Okay, maybe not literally, but why is it that people can expect things of you that you can't expect of them? I feel like I'm such a thoughtful person (I know, do I need help patting myself on the back?), but then when I hope that people would return that same thoughtfulness, it isn't.

I have a calendar, not a fancy one, not an expensive one, but the free one from Turkey Hill Ice cream. (I emailed a question to them three years ago, and now I get their calendar). And every year when I get it, I sit down and write down everyone's anniversary and birthday (that I know). I do this so I won't forget. I think its important not to forget.

I make it a point to call people on their respective dates, (or at least send a card). For my niece and nephews' birthdays, they always get a gift (and a phone call for the out of state ones). I think its important. For my brothers, they ALWAYS get a phone call, and for my sister-in-laws an acknowledgement too of some kind.

Is it too much to ask to get the same courtesy? My brother, in Indiana, forgot my birthday, yet again. The funny part (if you can find one) is that I talked to him yesterday (the day before my birthday). Nary a mention of it. We spoke long enough for him to find out that I was shipping out a trumpet for his son to use, for school. Then he had an important call that he had to take.

There probably won't be any mention of it, ever. When my daughter's birthday came in May, they didn't acknowledge it, and only, when it was pointed out to him, did he say, "yeah, we lost our book of dates." Like somehow that makes it all better or okay.

I feel like I could 'overlook' or 'forget' one of their birthdays and should be guilt-free, but do 'two wrongs make a right?' What does that prove? Their still egocentric, but I'm petty? But I ask you, when do I get to be selfish?

I'm not the type of person to be confrontational, (hence this blog that probably no one reads), but I want to call him up and say, "Why is it okay for you to forget me, but if I forgot you or your kids, that would be the equivalence to Armageddon? Why don't I (or my 2 year old daughter) matter enough for you to get a new date book?"

1 comment:

annie said...

i'm reading your blog, sandy! and it's very entertaining!