Saturday, November 28, 2009

1/2 Baked

Baby is half baked. I've been pregnant 140 days. And I have 140 days to go. Things have gone well.

We only have had 1 set back so far. (If you can even call it a set back). I found out that I"m a carrier for Fragile X. Its a syndrome that can cause mental retardation. Not that my kids will have it, but they could have children who have it, because with each generation the gene gets more and more prevelent.

In a week and a half I will have an ultrasound that will hopefully tell us whether its a baby brother or sister for Amelia.

She SAYS "baby in belly", but we don't think she "GETS" it. Boy is she in for a shock. Her world is going to be tossed upside down come April. But in the long run it is wonderful that we can give her a sibling. Someone that she can share her life with; the most intimate and amazing stories of her life with.

We just hope to continue to get good reports on the baby's growth. December 8th can not come quickly enough.

1 comment:

H said...

Three days! Be sure to post a boy/girl update... I'll be thinking of you :)