Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday -- WI

So, I weighed in at WW, and I was so worried. I felt like I was pretty good all week. SO I went and WI, and I was exactly the same. I have to say I was little depressed. I am glad I didn't gain, but I really wished I lost. (don't we all).

I only went to Strollerfit 3 times last week and this week I am going to go 4 days. I am going to be good. I'm going to stay strong. I keep imagining myself at my goal weight, and you would think that would be enough motivation to keep me going, but then ... we eat out and I just can't say no. Nancy Reagan never knew how hard it is to say no to Cheesesteak. :-)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sleep .. It IS that important

Last night, Amelia woke up at 12:30. She was ready to play and sing. I think the cold that she has woke her up, but then the coffee ice cream that Rob gave her, definitely KEPT her up.

We were so tired, and I think deep down she was tired too, but wanted to run around (yes we have a walker). We tried so many things, with the last being a bath at 2:30 in the morning. I then lubed her up with camomile and lavender lotion. I think finally that helped soothe her and she finally fell asleep around 3:00.

Then all day she, daddy and mommy we tired. Daddy went to bed at 8:30, I'm up finishing a few things. Hopefully she'll sleep through the night tonight. That was by the WORST night of her life. It is crazy how much you rely on sleep, the amount of sleep, and 'sleeping straight through the night'.

It has to be better.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Yea for WW

Well, Saturday I went for my 2nd weigh in (WI) and I was down 5.5 lbs. Yea, for ww. It is actually working. No, I dont' notice any difference in anything. I don't feel lighter, I don't notice my clothes feeling any differently. I'm hoping for another big loss next week. Last week I only went to Strollerfit twice, so this week, I plan on going each day. So hopefully that will contribute to loosing.

I have two big parties coming up and I would love to have a noticable loss for them. I know I should think "slow and steady wins the race", but I want people to say "Hey, did you loose some weight?????" How great is that?

Well, speaking of slow and steady, last night, Rob was upstairs and I went outside to do soemthing. When I came in, I couldn't find Amelia. I called up to Rob and he said that she was up there, and asked if I brought her up there. I said no. Amelia climbed the stairs all by herself. (Made mommy and daddy very nervous). now we definitely need to put up the gate. She has no fears, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not!!! HAHA

Friday, September 5, 2008

Weight Watchers

So, I've started Weight Watchers (WW). Tomorrow I go for my 2nd weigh-in. The first one was not good. I was up 1 lb. I was a little disappointed because of that. But I kept going. Tomorrow I go again. Hopefully it will be better. Hopefully I've lost SOME weight. Hopefully the weight will come right off. I know the body changes so much while you're PG, but hopefully it doesn't hold onto the weight for good.

I am hoping that I can start changing my habits so that way, down the road I dont' need to do the whole 'meeting' thing. That's the whole philosophy behind WW. You learn how to make better choices. I'll let you know how I do.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

too much information

IS BAD!!!!!!

I know that it really isn't. But lately, I've really been thinking about adding to our family, and Rob isn't so on board. I know that there are a few issues that aren't ideal right now, and I can accept that, but what I can't accept is him sending me articles that (in my brain) would convince me to start yesterday.

Today's article???? "Kids with older dads at higher bipolar risk"

That's right. The article states that dads over 30 have a higher risk to pass on bipolar. So, I joked with him that we should get started before he turns 31 in November. He's like, yeah right!

I just sent him an email back, saying if you don't want to do anything, stop sending me more stuff to worry about. You can't have it both ways.

When I was PG with Amelia we had the Ultrascreen done which is the nuechal fold test. I was not a risk candidate for Downs, but I had the test anyway, not knowing anything. Well it came back with bad results. (compounded by the fact that they gave me someone else's bad results). It was terrible. It turned out to be okay, but I had to goto a pediatric cardiologist, had an amniocentesis, 10 ultrasounds during the course of the pregnancy. All for a test that I wasn't really high risk for.

The moral of the story? TOO MUCH INFORMATION IS BAD. Our parents didn't have all this information, and for the most part we all turned out fine. There wasn't the autism issues, ADD, ADHD, allergies, et cetera.

For my next pregnancy, (if there is another one), I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride!

Monday, September 1, 2008

To have baby #2 or not...

When do you know that you're ready to have another baby? Is there a signal? Is there an epiphany? I'm starting to think about it. I know there are so many factors. Some of them aren't ideal right now, but some are. Is there a time that the factors are 100% ready?

Rob and I are talking about it, and the main issue is space. But is that enough of a reason to not bring another life into this world? I look at Amelia and think what if we didn't "make" her, life would be so much more dull. She brings so much in our lives that I want to have that again.

I love everything about her, and there are some days that I want to do it all over again. I know that we will have another baby, so why not now? Why wait?

I want to be pregnant on the same schedule that way if we have another girl we will have the right clothes for the right season. Doesn't that make sense? Isn't that a good reason? If I'm going to do this then we need to get going. But ... again, alas are we ready?