Tuesday, September 2, 2008

too much information

IS BAD!!!!!!

I know that it really isn't. But lately, I've really been thinking about adding to our family, and Rob isn't so on board. I know that there are a few issues that aren't ideal right now, and I can accept that, but what I can't accept is him sending me articles that (in my brain) would convince me to start yesterday.

Today's article???? "Kids with older dads at higher bipolar risk"

That's right. The article states that dads over 30 have a higher risk to pass on bipolar. So, I joked with him that we should get started before he turns 31 in November. He's like, yeah right!

I just sent him an email back, saying if you don't want to do anything, stop sending me more stuff to worry about. You can't have it both ways.

When I was PG with Amelia we had the Ultrascreen done which is the nuechal fold test. I was not a risk candidate for Downs, but I had the test anyway, not knowing anything. Well it came back with bad results. (compounded by the fact that they gave me someone else's bad results). It was terrible. It turned out to be okay, but I had to goto a pediatric cardiologist, had an amniocentesis, 10 ultrasounds during the course of the pregnancy. All for a test that I wasn't really high risk for.

The moral of the story? TOO MUCH INFORMATION IS BAD. Our parents didn't have all this information, and for the most part we all turned out fine. There wasn't the autism issues, ADD, ADHD, allergies, et cetera.

For my next pregnancy, (if there is another one), I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride!

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