Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas is 14 days away

And I'm in pretty good shape. I need just a few more thing (and I know what they are so it will be easy shopping), and then I'm done. I'm all wrapped -- like I said good to go.

Hopefully tomorrow we'll decorate the house and then it will be even more festive. I love this time of year. We just received wonderful news that we are having another girl. Kelly Anne will making her debut sometime in April (if all goes to plan). She's is healthy and quite happy. I think she's already started to suck her thumb.

Amelia is good well, except for the last week. She's been pretty sick. I feel bad that she feels bad, but it will pass soon enough. Hopefully this will be it for illness for the season.

The only major downfall is I just lost my brand new phone. Has anyone seen it?????? I didn't think so. So sad about that.

I'm excited about Christmas coming this year. I think Amelia will be into it more this year, though not fulling understanding. But I think she'll love opening the gifts.

I am not sure if I'll update before Christmas so if I don't -- Merry Christmas.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

1/2 Baked

Baby is half baked. I've been pregnant 140 days. And I have 140 days to go. Things have gone well.

We only have had 1 set back so far. (If you can even call it a set back). I found out that I"m a carrier for Fragile X. Its a syndrome that can cause mental retardation. Not that my kids will have it, but they could have children who have it, because with each generation the gene gets more and more prevelent.

In a week and a half I will have an ultrasound that will hopefully tell us whether its a baby brother or sister for Amelia.

She SAYS "baby in belly", but we don't think she "GETS" it. Boy is she in for a shock. Her world is going to be tossed upside down come April. But in the long run it is wonderful that we can give her a sibling. Someone that she can share her life with; the most intimate and amazing stories of her life with.

We just hope to continue to get good reports on the baby's growth. December 8th can not come quickly enough.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

5 Years Ago

5 years ago the world lost a great man. My dad passed away 5 years ago today. Sometimes it seems like forever ago, and sometimes it seems like yesterday. I can remember almost every detail in its entirety.

My dad was like a Renaissance Man. He could do it all. Intellectually superior to any other person I've ever known, He had so many gifts, that he shared. It was like, it was his passion to share everything he was, with every he knew. And I'm sure I speak for everyone who knew him, we are grateful that he shared.

He was a successful chemist/engineer. Allied was lucky to have him. He was also a mechanic at his own motorcycle shop. But he went beyond all that. He was the best soccer coach (okay, assistant soccer coach -- he hated the limelight), story-teller, at-home Jeopardy champion, shed builder (even if Doug disagrees), pool builder (multiple times), house fixer (too many people to mention in that one), brother, Pop-Pop, husband and dad. I remember when Nicholas was about 9 months old (not ANYWHERE near speaking) and he sat there saying "What's my name? Pop-Pop. What's your name? Nicky. What's my name? Pop-Pop" On and on. He was so proud of all the kids. He beamed with such pride. I only wonder what he would have said about Amelia. I know she would be the favorite (haha, just kidding -- kinda ;0)

My parents had a love that I hope to have after 35 years of marriage. It wasn't perfect by fairy tail standards, but it was perfect by their standards (and mine). Sometimes I think Rob and I are following in their footsteps. Especially when I have had a glass of wine and he's had a gin and tonic. (ahh the memories)

And then there is the role of dad. He was second to none. He was the best. I remember the first time he went to the Mets game. I was little. I didn't understand that I couldn't go because I didn't have a ticket. I was heartbroken that I couldn't go. Sure enough, the next game that he went to, I was right by his side. We had so many memories that we shared through the years. I think the best was .... You know what? I can't finish that sentence. I don't know what the best was. There are way too many. I loved going to Canada with him and driving that first night.

Funny story that no one knows about. We were more than 3 hours behind schedule, and everyone in the Mini-van o' fun was a little punchy. Dad was driving (it was pretty late, so I was sitting co-captain to make sure he didn't fall asleep), well, we see a sign for the town that we were staying in that was about 8 KM away. Everyone was happy. Finally we were close. Then it happened --- Dad and I saw a sign a little bit further up saying that the town was 12 KM away. No one else had seen the sign but us. He looked at me and I looked at him and we both agreed to tell NO ONE. We got the giggles and merrily kept driving. That's how we were. We'd both see something and get the giggles. We often joked that we shared one brain. Sometimes it makes it all the more hard -- I've lost my other half of my brain. (Rob keeps saying its shrinking anyway -- maybe he's right).

He has missed so much, and its not fair. What death is fair? Well, certainly this one wasn't, at least not to me.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

2nd time around

Oy, its been so different. I've been queasy most of the time. When I was pregnant with Amelia, as long as I wasn't hungry, life was good. I just ate ahead of being hungry. (maybe that's why I gained 41 lbs). Well this time around SOOOOOOO different.

I'm queasy so I eat, then I feel ... queasy. Sometimes I say I'm hungry and eat, feel so much better, than about 5 minutes later, what I ate, doesn't agree with me.

I can not wait for the 1st trimester to end. 3 more weeks. Hopefully then it will end. It HAS to end. I can't keep going like this. I know in the grand scheme of things, this isn't bad, but the first pregnancy was so much easier in that regard.

I think Rob is figuring that this is a boy because this is different than the first. Hopefully he isn't getting too excited, you never know.

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Next Chapter

Amelia is going to be a big sister.

I found out early August that I'm pregnant. We're very excited to be adding to our brood. Hopefully we'll be blessed with another child just like Amelia. She was such a good baby, but my mom keeps telling me to expect Beelzebub. Maybe that's going to be the baby's nickname. We're hoping for a boy, but we're pretty sure its a girl. (Murphy's Law and all).

Hopefully things will go a little smoother with this pregnancy than the last one. (that's for another post). Though, right now the queasy-ness has far out-surpassed the last pregnancy by a mile. I haven't gotten sick yet, but that's a BIG YET!!!!! Hopefully I can stave that off. There's nothing worst than getting sick. Well, I'm sure I can think of something else, but not right now.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

When do I get to be selfish?

Okay, maybe not literally, but why is it that people can expect things of you that you can't expect of them? I feel like I'm such a thoughtful person (I know, do I need help patting myself on the back?), but then when I hope that people would return that same thoughtfulness, it isn't.

I have a calendar, not a fancy one, not an expensive one, but the free one from Turkey Hill Ice cream. (I emailed a question to them three years ago, and now I get their calendar). And every year when I get it, I sit down and write down everyone's anniversary and birthday (that I know). I do this so I won't forget. I think its important not to forget.

I make it a point to call people on their respective dates, (or at least send a card). For my niece and nephews' birthdays, they always get a gift (and a phone call for the out of state ones). I think its important. For my brothers, they ALWAYS get a phone call, and for my sister-in-laws an acknowledgement too of some kind.

Is it too much to ask to get the same courtesy? My brother, in Indiana, forgot my birthday, yet again. The funny part (if you can find one) is that I talked to him yesterday (the day before my birthday). Nary a mention of it. We spoke long enough for him to find out that I was shipping out a trumpet for his son to use, for school. Then he had an important call that he had to take.

There probably won't be any mention of it, ever. When my daughter's birthday came in May, they didn't acknowledge it, and only, when it was pointed out to him, did he say, "yeah, we lost our book of dates." Like somehow that makes it all better or okay.

I feel like I could 'overlook' or 'forget' one of their birthdays and should be guilt-free, but do 'two wrongs make a right?' What does that prove? Their still egocentric, but I'm petty? But I ask you, when do I get to be selfish?

I'm not the type of person to be confrontational, (hence this blog that probably no one reads), but I want to call him up and say, "Why is it okay for you to forget me, but if I forgot you or your kids, that would be the equivalence to Armageddon? Why don't I (or my 2 year old daughter) matter enough for you to get a new date book?"

Monday, June 29, 2009

WW LifeTime

What does that mean? It means that I made goal, maintained fr 6 weeks, and are still within 2 lbs. I can't believe that I am here at lifetime. I cant' believe that I'm finally at a healthy weight. The last time I was here, I was in the 6th grade. Not to say that I wasn't ever healthy, but not like this.

I am not sure that I can maintain this forever, but I will certainly try.

Friday, June 26, 2009

This weekend

We're going to Gettysburg. I'm not sure what we're in for. Rob was concerned that Amelia wouldn't get anything out of it, and considered waiting, but here's the thing. When she's old enough to 'get' something out of it, I don't think she'll care.

So, we're going to go overnight. Easy packing, I don't actually have to bring the kitchen sink, plus because we're driving, I'll have room to bring all the stuff we'll need, which is less now that she's older.

I remember the first time we went away, Amelia was 6 months. I believe I did bring the kitchen sink that time. I needed sooooo much stuff. It was crazy. (and again we were there for a long weekend).

Life gets easier -- I think!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Who would have thought that I would actually make it to goal? With a 57 lb. loss, I surely didn't. The last time I did WW, I stopped when my dad passed away. WW wasn't the priority then.

I guess I always figured something else would get in my way this time too.

Well, here I am finshed week 3 of Maintance, and the end seems so far away. I know its not, and its only three more weeks, but that's almost a month. (amazing the head games that we use -- in particular how words affect us).

I'm not sure of the point of this post, other than to say --
I think I can,
I think I can,
I think I can!!!
(thanks Little Engine that Could)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sleep -- The Endangered Activity

Why is that when I need to get up, that is when Amelia decides to sleep in? Saturday, I needed to get up and take her to my WW meeting. She decides to sleep in until almost 8:00. Which is exactly when my meeting starts.

I went late, and it isn't the end of the world, but then Sunday, when we really didn't need to get up for anything specific, she wakes at the crack of dawn.

I remember the days when I could sleep in, and not affect anyone. Not that I was a terribly late sleeper, but ... I wish I had that option these days.

What's going to happen if and when Baby #2 makes his or her appearance. I don't think I'll sleep at all!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Another beautiful day

So, Friday I went out with some great girls. Its such a treat to go out without being on Mommy-Duty. It doesn't happen often. Even our wedding anniversary dinner was spent figuring out what Amelia should eat, and how to keep her entertained. I just wanted a nice quiet dinner, but Rob wanted to share it with her. How could I say no?

We had a nice time, and she was good, as always. We had a nice dinner and our waiter ended up bringing us a little cake to celebrate with. Then when he found out that Saturday was going to be Amelia's birthday, he brought us a 2nd cake. He was too kind. (Of course the cake wasn't WW friendly, but what the heck, it was a celebration).

This weekend was a little quieter. I went to the Chester Craft Fair with my mom and Amelia. It was okay, but where could I go with all the beautiful stuff that was being sold. So I didn't buy anything. We spent the rest of the morning walking the streets of Chester. If you've never done it, I recommend it. Its such a quaint little town. We had lunch at a little pizzaria, and Amelia was able to get out of the stroller and run around. She loved it, almost as much as the pizza.

Today, we went out for breakfast at an old favorite of ours, Jackson Hole (in Englewood). Then we went to see Ga-Ga. (that's Rob's mom). Amelia was getting a little upset/nervous because I think she thought we were going to leave her. The last time she was there, was when we dropped her off for Ga-Ga to babysit while we went for massages. (that was our Christmas present). I was in heaven, Rob --- not so much. Perhaps, next time he should get a regular massage instead of the deep tissue massage. Oh well, live and learn.

Now that the weather is getting nice, Amelia loves to be outside. The only downside, is that we live in Bug-Central. Friday, I was outside for 45 seconds before getting my first mosquito bite. After two more, I said we need to go inside. Is it me, that the bugs love? Perhas its my award-winning personality. (I don't think so either). Someone once said that if you eat a lot of bananas, that attracts the bugs. I don't know. All I know is, I HATE bugs. I bought a citranella candle once, and all it did was tell the bugs that I was there.

Well, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather, I think I'm going to head outside.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I made GOAL

I went to my WW weigh-in. I am down 55.2. I've made goal. My goal was 141 and I'm at 139.8. I can't believe it. There were so many times that I didn't think I would make it, but I did!!! Can you believe it????? I can't. Now comes the hard part, maintaining. Hopefully I can keep this up.

Today we're celebrating Amelia's birthday. She's two years old. I can't beleive that its been two years that she's been in our lives. It has made our lives so much richer. I can't wait to start trying for number 2. It will make it even better. :-)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

RIP Viriginia

Rob's grandmother died last week. It is sad, because she was such a lovely person, but yet she was 94 years old.

Rob is so sad. It breaks my heart that Amelia will never really truly know her great-grandma G-G. Amelia knew G-G, but wasn't super comfy around her. It was sad to see, but Amelia isn't crazy about ANY old people. I know it bothered Rob that Amelia wasn't more warm and friendly to her.

Today, I have to go over to her apartment to sort through stuff, and see what we want to take of hers. I understand that it needs to be soon, because its costing more in rent, but I feel like we're vulchers. Pawing through her stuff. I think its probably easier when there is a house involved because it takes longer. It gives you time to grieve before you have to tackle the big job of going through stuff.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why, when I'm so close.

As of Friday, I am 3 lbs from my WW goal. That's when the eating began. I'm not over my points, but I'm eating more than I usually do. As of MY scale this morning, I'm up 2 lbs.

Why when I'm so, am I sabotaging myself? I don't get it. I'm trying to get myeslf together. I wonder if the weather is part of it. I mean, its so dingy outside. I just want to stay in and eat.

I just want to get to goal, so badly. I just ordered a copy of my HS records to see what my weight was back then. I'm curious to see how much I weighed back then versus now.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Getting ready for vacation

Well, the fact that last week was a complete wash due to my gallbladder surgery, I'm so behind as far as getting ready for our yearly vacation.

We're going to Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and I'm so excited to be going. Its been a rough few weeks. Between Rob being worried about his job and now dealing with my gallbladder issues. I'm just greatful that my g/b issues should be completely resolved.

We still aren't 100% sure as how we are getting to the airport, I still have to pack, (that takes me forever), I have to pack Amelia's stuff. I still have a dr. appointment tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be 100% cleared for activity. I also, like to clean before I go, that way when we get back, the house is clean. I have soooo much to do.

I need to make a list -- or two!!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gallbladder Trama

Wow, what a hectic few days. I've had back/stomach issues for a while, but on Wednesday it started up again. I get sever pains all around my mid section. Usually it would be once in a while, (I did go to an ER years ago, but they told me I had PMS). Well, I had the pains everyday since last Wednesday 3/11. It didn't matter what I ate, each night I was in agonizing pain. I say my general practioner on Friday, and he was reluctant to send me for any testings, saying that there are times that we could do a full work up and never find out what caused the back pains. I said to him, that someone had said to me it sounded like Gallbladder.

Then he's like well, we can send you for an ultrasound. So I was glad about that, but I had to wait until Monday. Monday morning comes, I get up early to have breakfast because I had to fast for 6 hours before my 1:00 pm test. So, all is good, and I go for the test, and they said that either my g/b was diseased or else I was a slow digester of my food.

So I had to go back first thing Tuesday morning, in the meantime, Monday the pain was so bad. It came on so quickly, that I crawled up stairs to get to the heating pad. I told Amelia to follow me, because there was no way I could carry her. I ended up call 911, because it was so bad. I went to the ER, and because I wasn't eminently dying, they sent me home. I went Tuesday morning for the u/s, and they decided that my g/b was bad. I called around and finally found a general surgon who would see me (actually I had seen him before for something else).

He had me goto the ER for a HIDA scan. They determined that my g/b had to come out.

Wednesday I had surgery to have my g/b removed. Of course things didn't just end there. They didn't find any gallstones which is not normal. So, then Thursday, they wanted to send me for an MRI to see if there were other stones that traveled. If I did have stones, I would need another procedure where they would go down my throat and removed the stones.

Well, I didn't eat all day, Thursday, waiting for my MRI and finally at 5:00 they take me, and then the radiologist said because I just had surgery they couldn't do the MRI. That's when the tears and anger started. Its amazing how emotional not eating can make you.

Well, all the drs. determined that I could in fact have the test, but I had already eaten. So, I couldn't have the test then. I had it first thing Friday morning, and there were no stones. And they finally sent me home. I was greeted by Amelia yelling MOMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all the concern and good thoughts.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

the program works.

So, I've been on WW for 7 months now. Today we went to a party. THe food was good and plentiful. It was a buffet, and oh, how I love buffets. Well, I ate well. I made good choices and didn't feel deprived. The program is working. I feel like I can do this, and keep with this.

I ate more points than I would have normally for what was essentially lunch, but it could have been so much worse. I probably won't have a formal dinner, I still have quite a few points for the rest of the day.

Yea for WW.

Friday, February 27, 2009

the tubes are in!

We had to take Amelia for tubes this morning. We had to be there by 6:30 -- The surgery center in Rutherford. They were very kind and gentle. They saw that she was upset when they were taking her vitals and all, so they got a portable DVD player and put on Barney. She was good! :-)

When it came time to go into the operating room, they let me go in with her. She didn't want to lay down on the table, so the anesthesiologist let me sit and hold her, then he put the mask on her, and she was out in no time. Then we transferred her to the table.

It was literally 15 minutes and they were getting us. She was VERY upset when we saw her in the recovery room. They said that when she woke up, its like she's uncomfortable in her own skin. There is no pain, but its an uncomfortable feeling. She was upset until we got home. She watched Barney and relaxed.

She is now sound asleep.When she wakes up I'm sure she'll be starving. She didn't want to eat anything when we got home. I think she just needs to sleep it off. Hopefully after a good night's sleep she'll be good as new tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

vacation here we come

Last year we went to Ft. Lauderdale, FL. It was wonderful. It was exactly what we needed, when we needed it. It was such a successful vacation, that we're going to try to duplicate it.

We are goign to stay at a different hotel, -- right on the water. So that should be nice. I imagine walking to the beach with Amelia. Maybe this year she'll like it. Last year, she wasn't walking, and definitely did not like sand on her. Hopefully this year she'll be more open to being outside. She's definitely become more of outside girl. I'm so excited to be going again.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

12 lbs to go.

I've lost 3.6 lbs this week, making me 12.4 lbs until I reach my first goal. The goal is set by looking at the range of weight based on my height based on BMI standards.

I'm excited to be that close, but scared that I can't pull this through. The last time that I lost this amount of weight, I don't know the exact number because I didn't have a scale at the time. My pants keep falling down, and that is a great thing, but I'm really having a hard time finding clothes that truly fit.

Amelia is getting big, and she is a big driving force behind my weight loss. Being a role model for her and a good example is making this easier. Hopefully all these new habits will stick for good. I know that maintaince won't be easy, but its what I need to do. I needed to do this for my health and my self esteem. :-) I need to do this for my baby (and hopefully future babies).

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Dreaded Plateau

Well, I started WW in August and was losing weight expediantly. Well, I've a hit a wall. Last week I was up 1 lb. I feel like this week is a bust too. I don't know why. I'm still tracking my food/points diligently and still working out. Though I know with my workouts I need to really start pushing myself more/harder.

I have to step it up, Spring is just around the corner (God willing). I'm so sick of this cold. I think part of it is, I want to be able to open my back door and let Amelia run free. Last year she wasn't walking/moving at all,and now you can't keep a good girl down. She is all over the place. I want her to feel the sunshine on her face, and the grass between her toes. Okay, maybe that's a bit clique, but I just need to be outside myself.

Lately, I've been so tired to the point that I put Amelia down for a nap, and nap myself. I haven't done that since she was 8 days old. I think I really am deprived of Vitamin D. I NEED SPRING!!!! How many people have you heard lately saying the same thing. I hope to God that the stupid Groundhog sees his shadow (or is it doesn't see his shadow)?!? I found myself looking out the window as the snow was turning to rain imagining what Spring will feel and smell like.

Friday, January 16, 2009


I can't believe that I"m almost 50 lbs down from my weight from when I started Strollerfit. Part of it is Strollerfit and the wonderful trainers and friends. Plus WeightWatchers.

Weight Watchers is a great program. If you need to lose weight, this is a great program.

What is new with me other than needing new clothes? Amelia is getting big and she is starting to talk. At least she is starting. Better late than never. She is getting big. Rob keeps saying that she will be taller than me. That's okay! As long as she's healthy and happy, she can be anything!